6 Ways To Immediately Get Noticed At Work Without Self-Promotion
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Getting noticed at work has been a topic that has been debated for years. Many believe that self-promotion gives you a leg-up while others are convinced that getting discovered is a more organic process. Self-promotion may allow you to get a seat at the table faster, but the odds of sustainable career advancement are much lower today than in the past. Why? People that have to sell themselves too aggressively are often times unprepared when the opportunity presents itself. They are impatient and seek to cut corners. They lack the real confidence it requires to consistently be significant; therefore they spend too much time putting on a facade. Besides, it’s difficult to trust the intentions of those employees that are focused more on themselves than others. This is one of many reasons why so many senior executives find it difficult to sponsor employees.
Getting noticed requires leadership with wide-angle vision to connect the dots and create maximum workplace impact. It requires teamwork in the new workplace that unites, empowers and inspires others for the betterment of a healthier whole. It’s about having each other’s backs and everyone’s best interests at heart.
The great difference between the recognized man and the respected man is the difference of the head and heart. The recognized man appeals to the head where things are easily forgotten. The respected man captivates the heart. And the heart does not forget.
Collaborative leadership is in demand. You can never be successful alone. Someone else or a group of people had to support you and help enable the opportunities you were trying to create.
Success comes most to those who are surrounded by people who want their success to continue.
As you reflect upon your career goals and how to be a more effective leader, here are six ways to immediately get noticed at work without self-promotion.
1. Be a Silent Influencer
The workplace is divided into two primary groups: the loud disorganized/disenfranchised and the silent influencers. Notice how the silent influencers are the ones that people are most curious about. They are the ones that are invited to be a part of the most important projects and rarely participate in group activities were the loud disorganized people are involved.
The silent influencer has nothing in common with the recognition addict. They are the ones that possess quiet confidence yet speak up often enough to make their voices heard and have tremendous impact while doing it. The silent influencer has the executive presence that most employees long for. They are quick to see and seize opportunity, yet don’t flaunt their success as they move onto the next one.
Being a silent influencer is a great way to get noticed. You keep people wondering what you’re up to and curious about getting into your circle. When you are a silent influencer, you don’t allow the noise to disrupt your momentum.
2. Do More Than Your Job Description
Always look around, beyond
and beneath the opportunities that you seek. Those that get noticed
at work are those who approach each day with wide-angle vision. They
see through a lens that extends well beyond their job description.
Employees that know how to get noticed quickly have mastered the ability
to maximize the value of their workplace dot and are continuously looking for ways to expand their sphere of influence throughout the organization.
The most effective way to
expand your sphere of influence is by becoming proficient at helping
others do their job. This will require you to know their job
description and core responsibilities.