1. Before you ask for something, give something. It’s important to build some social capital with the people in your network before you start asking for favors. Seeking help from people before you’ve given anything is a little like trying to get a withdrawal from your banking account without having put anything in first.
2. Restrict your requests for advice to a person’s area of expertise. Otherwise, you risk putting a fellow network member on the spot and making him or her uncomfortable.
3. Don’t have hidden motives. If network members believe you are seeking advice as a subterfuge for promoting your services, they will not only be offended and unwilling to help you, but they will also feel less confident about your ability to help them.
4. Avoid potentially controversial and sensitive issues. This may sound like common sense, but if you delve too far into the personal, you could cause discomfort and damage the relationship.
5. Don’t ask for advice people would normally charge you for. A quick question or two is fine, but don’t go too far. In the case of the business owner above, she was quick to recognize when to switch from soliciting free advice to enlisting–and paying for–the CPA’s services.
A powerful personal network not only can help you expand your business, but it also can help you improve your business. There’s nothing more powerful than having a room full of people who are ready and willing to help you succeed.
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