1. Clear Your Thoughts
You can keep a little yellow pad and pen next to the bed so that before turning the lights out, you can empty your head onto a to-do list. It keeps you from having racing thoughts all night long.
2. Stay on a Schedule
"Establish a strict bedtime and awakening time. Expose yourself to bright light in the morning -- within 5 minutes of waking, go outside and take a walk for 30 minutes. Avoid any bright light for 2 or 3 hours before bedtime, or exercise within 3 hours. Avoid heavy meals, large amounts of fluid and alcohol.
3. If You Can't Sleep, Don't Stay in Bed
Sleep doesn't happen when you're trying too hard. If you can't sleep, try occupying yourself with any activity that is both engaging and relaxing, where you can be absorbed enough that you forget about sleep. you can read, fold clothes, organize your closet. Do this in dim light and quiet.
4. Sleep on Your Back
"Everyone should be a back sleeper. All day long we flex over our computer screens, dinner tables, and books, and we never do extension unless we do the up dog in yoga class. When you're on your back, you open up the rib cage, rest your back muscles and -- believe it or not -- work your abs. Your neck is neutral and your face isn't mashed into the pillow, so you're not getting wrinkles
5. Create Darkness
You can install large-scale Federal-style solid panel shutters on the bedroom windows. They're gigantic, like shutters you would put on the outside of a house, only now they're on the inside.
6. Wear Comfortable Pajamas
you should generally sleep in the oldest, softest cotton T-shirt you can find. 100 percent cotton pajamas. They may have a saggy butt and saggy knees, but who cares? They breathe, they give.
7. Try Lavender
"You could get an eye pillow with lavender in it -- warm it a little in the microwave first -- or put lavender oil in your humidifier. Inhaling lavender releases tension.
8. Listen to Music
"Stereo speakers in the bedroom! Mozart, Bach, Gregorian chants, wonderful quiet pipes and flutes -- - the sounds of waterfalls, oceans, birdsong. All terribly relaxing.
9. Early to bed: Try to be asleep before midnight. It's always best to sleep between 11 P.M. and 1 A.M., as this is when the body's replenishes itself. As you close your eyes and snuggle into your pillow, take three very deep breaths, slowly -- the deeper the breath, the deeper your sleep will be
10. Create An exclusive Sleep Enviroment
"Considering the bedroom solely as a room that is set apart for sleep and rest... It should have a bed that is ideally comfortable, a chaise longue on which to rest by day. And that is all."
This is great for someone who wants to stay in shape but may not have lots of time to devote each day to going to the gym or getting a core workout.