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Monday, August 7, 2017

You win with our Packaging Management Program!!


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Packaging Management Program (PMP)


A meat processor to restaurants and wholesale markets with $7M in revenue and a $350,000 packaging spend.

The problem

The customer was saddled with excess and obsolete inventories, straining their working capital and cash flow resources. This led to a lack of space for efficient operations, storage of finished goods, or expansion. Their costs were skyrocketing—from labor to processing to machinery and equipment.

How we solved it

SupplyOne worked with key stakeholders to outline a plan rooted in our PMP. We introduced new manufacturing partners for primary packaging, including Flair Packaging, Xtraplast, and Next Generation Films.

Here’s why the customer is smiling

Beginning by significantly reducing inventory and SKUs, we improved the customer’s overall inventory management. This led to a cost avoidance of $65,000 in equipment and a $70,000 cash flow improvement. We improved their packaging integrity and dramatically reduced their leaker rate. With their new operational efficiency, the plant manager and key employees were given more time to focus on higher-impact matters.

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