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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Lower your total cost with our Packaging Management Program!

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Packaging Management Program (PMP)

The SupplyOne Packaging Management Program is a value added solution that provides our customers with a clear way to lower their total cost for packaging. SupplyOne’s PMP is a proprietary consultative service that guarantees improved customer profitability.

The PMP Process:

A PMP begins with a consultative assessment and results in documented, quantifiable and guaranteed savings within 30-45 days with little or no operational disruption. We review inventory, conduct interviews with your key managers and operations employees to uncover and identify "bottlenecks", and analyze work flow. Our savings guarantee and solutions to make the packaging process more efficient and cost effective are presented to you in a formal presentation.
Why pay outside consultants to perform this work when we will send our team of Certified Packaging Specialists to do this work for free?

Key Benefits:

SupplyOne PMP assessments yield key benefits to our customers. These benefits include a projection of:
  • Minimum Guaranteed Savings with Lower Inventory Investment
  • Higher Cash Flow
  • Improved Purchasing Efficiencies
  • Increased Employee Productivity
  • Maximized Production Space

Resulting in:

  • An Overall Lower Cost of Ownership
  • Improved Order Management
  • Better Control of Information
Regular periodic reviews provide you with detailed hard and soft dollar savings by item, location and product. The PMP process also helps you plan your company’s scheduled objectives. Contact us to schedule your free assessment and start lowering your costs immediately. We are confident that by taking advantage of our unique Packaging Management Program you will see why we are "The Leader in Packaging Solutions!"

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