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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

You can save 300% with an auto pre-strech wrapper!!

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Three ways to increase productivity with pre-stretch!

Shipping damages are a big source of loss and waste for manufacturers and retailers. 1/2% of all shipped products are damaged in transit because they weren't stretch wrapped properly. That's a $7 billion hit to the economy, as well as a waste of time and energy to fix. For example:
When pallets fall apart in a truck, you use up labor and resources to carefully unload and clean the mess.
If products are refused by the receiver and sent back because of damage, it takes additional manufacturing time — with all cost and no profit — to refill the order, which puts other (paid) production on hold. 
Proper stretch wrapping prevents tipping, breakage, and pallet loads from splitting apart. Loads arrive undamaged, nothing is rejected, no one needs to clean up a mess, and the production staff isn't working to refill orders for free.
2. Lower Material Costs
A stretch wrapper can lower your film costs by one-half to two-thirds compared to hand wrapping.
Most wrappers have powered film delivery systems that pre-stretch the film. Pre-stretch increases the yield of each film roll. Modern film delivery systems provide levels of pre-stretch up to 300%. A film delivery system with 200% pre-stretch turns 6,000 ft. of film into 18,000 ft. Powered pre-stretch film delivery systems start to have a significant economic effect at 15 to 20 loads a day.
3. Optimal Labor Utilization
Semi-automatic stretch wrappers can also reduce the amount of labor required per load. Generally, if you're wrapping five loads or more per day by hand, you're in the market for a semi-automatic stretch wrapper. The amount of time and energy saved (not to mention the reduced risk of injury) will contribute to the return on investment. 
If you're wrapping 400 loads per week, you've got workers spending 30 hours of labor hand wrapping. Using a semi-automatic wrapper can reduce that to 20 hours of labor per week, while a fully automatic wrapper can reduce it to 10 hours of labor per week. If you're paying someone $15 an hour to stretch wrap, you'll save over $7500 per year just by switching to a semi-automatic machine.
This saved labor can also be transferred to other tasks, or even retraining employees and assigning them to departments that might have labor shortages.
Looking for other ways to improve? Check out our 10-Step Process for Damage Reduction Through More Effective Stretch Wrapping. Our process will show you:
  • How to reduce your shipping damage by 50%!
  • The key elements of a stretch wrapping standard!
  • How to manage containment force - stretch wrapping's most critical component!

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