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Thursday, December 3, 2015

You can make a needy youth's Christmas Amazing!!

For the fourth year in a row Hope For Youth is pleased to present to donors a wishlist of toys and gifts.  

As part of the Annual Toy and Gift Drive, our goal is to to provide a festive time to teens and children in our care who have been separated from their birth families… Will you help?
It's easy!  Just bookmark this page or like us on Facebook.  Beginning Thursday, December 3 we'll regularly update the wishlist with detailed items for specific children and youth in our care which they have personally asked Santa to bring them. 

With your help we can make a wish come true this year!

Looking for more info?  Email Kate Travers.
Here's our "12 Days of Christmas" wishlist...

  1. Devin: As a youth in foster care for several years we are ecstatic that 8-year-old Devin will be adopted in 2016!  This little guy is just the sweetest big brother, hard worker and patient you man.  For Christmas Devin would love to have action figures, a Scooter and helmet, or a kindle as he is an advanced reader and loves a great book!
  2. Juan: Juan is a 16-year-old young man who resides in our Boys Group Home. He just completed Hope For Youth’s specialized Day Treatment program and is now enrolled in public school.  When we asked his caseworker to share something good about Juan the response was, “Everything, he’s really doing great in everything!”  For Christmas Juan is hoping to have a new gray winter jacket, size large. He would also love matching winter accessories such as a hat, scarf and gloves!
  3. Joanna: 18-year-old Joanna is an all-around “good girl” who loves sports and accessorizing!  For Christmas, Joanna has asked for makeup, jewelry and a gift card to Sports Authority.  Joanna is well deserving of these gifts as she has made tremendous progress overcoming past abuse. Each week Joanna is a dedicated participant in therapy and tutoring.  She is also a role model to other youth in her foster home.
  4. Mariona: Princesses, Princesses, Princesses!  This is what 5-year-old Mariona is passionate about!  A princess themed bike and helmet is what Mariona has asked Santa to bring her!  She’s hoping for this big wish, and would also love any princess themed toys or accessories!
  5. Tyler: 15-year-old Tyler is the best kitchen cleaner in his group home!  He follows instructions and takes his work seriously when it comes to learning independent living skills.  Tyler has asked for size 10.5 Timberland Boots and a basketball for Christmas.
  6. Karina: As an 11th grader, Karina, who is 17-years-old, has already started looking at colleges.  She is passionate about her future and graciously accepts the guidance of her foster family and caseworkers.  For Christmas, Karina has asked for a laptop or tablet to help her with her studies and college applications.

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