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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Why not make your home out of wooden shipping pallets??

Meet the Coolest, Most Versatile Construction Material: Shipping Pallets!

Meet the Coolest, Most Versatile Construction Material: Shipping Pallets!
(Photo: Thinkstock)
They’re everywhere you shop and now they could be where you live. 
The ubiquitous shipping pallet is making the jump from transporting construction materials to becoming a hot construction material itself.
The wooden boards seen on forklifts in home renovation warehouses everywhere are definitely plentiful: there are reportedly about two billion of them in the U.S. alone. The majority are made with endlessly reusable and environmentally friendly wood, which is a big point in their favor. And they have a nice birch-like color that makes it perfect for construction projects. 
Their use is not without controversy. Opponents note that pallets are often too filthy for indoor use, and many are reported to contain bugs and mold and treated with chemicals you may not want to expose yourself to daily.
Still, there are some good looking construction and renovation projects made with birch. Some of our favorites include:

Casa Manifesto: Chile
(Photo: James&Mau)

In addition to the wooden pallets on the outside, this architectural beauty  —designed by Infiniski and highlighted in  — uses another essential piece of shipping equipment: shipping containers, three in all. The wooden pallets provide shade and ventilation as the air passes between the wooden slats. The house was built for $88,000 and is made out of 85% recycled, reused and eco-friendly material.

I-Beam’s Pallet House: New York

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