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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Help yourself by helping others FIRST!!

Your 4 Ways to enter the Circle of Life!!

1. Giving means helping others achieve success. What is your plan to contribute to others? How much time and energy can you spare for this? Do you actively seek out opportunities to help people? You could volunteer to help out with something that’s important to someone in your circle of friends, offer advice or support in time of need, or even work hard to connect someone to a valuable contact of yours.
2. The person who helps you will not necessarily be the person you helped. Zig Ziglar says, “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.” In other words, what goes around comes around. If you focus intently on helping others, you will achieve success in the end.
3. The law of reciprocity can be measured. It is a myth that networking cannot be measured and, if you apply the law of reciprocity, you will see your weekly total networking score gradually rise.
4. Success takes getting involved. Contrary to Woody Allen’s assertion that “90 percent of success is just showing up,” you have to do more than simply be present to be a successful networker. If you join a chamber of commerce, become an ambassador. If you join one of the many networking groups or even help in a leadership role with your children's sport teams or any community service and get involved in the leadership team. If you join a civic organization, get on a committee. The law of reciprocity requires giving to the group; it will pay you back many times over.
A master networker understands that, although networking is not the end but simply the means to growing a business, service to your network of contacts must always be uppermost in your networking activities. Once you have established a solid reputation as someone who cares about the success of others, the law of reciprocity will reward you with an abundance of high quality referrals.

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