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Thursday, September 15, 2011

You Can Defend Your Online Reputation FREE!!!


Be Proactive.

You can take proactive steps to protect your online reputation by building positive digital reputation assets for your name quickly and easily.  These positive reputation “links” that show up for your name in search results will begin to push down any negative or undesirable information. You must educate the search engines about who you are!

Here are 5 Quick Steps for Taking Control of Your Online Reputation

  1. Set up and complete a FREE Google Profile for your name
  2. Set up a FREE Google Places listing and put your name and business name in the title:
  3. Set up social media profiles for your name on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.  The key here is to make sure that the url for your profile is customized to include your name (grab your vanity url).  Examples: (with Twitter you are limited to 14 characters for your username).  Even if you can’t participate yet in social media for business, you can certainly go out and grab personal profiles, and engage and participate on a personal level with people around common interests.
  4. Create accounts and set up profiles with financial organizations and associations that you belong to, and local organizations that allow website profiles (CFP®, FPA, Chamber of Commerce, etc.)
  5. Grab and reserve url’s for your name. Even if you never use the url, you can always redirect it to your website or blog.  (i.e.

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