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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Did You Know Coconuts Can Be Good Packaging??

The Coconut Can Be Used as Catalyst For Sustainable  Packaging!!

Coconut husks may be the answer to greener packaging and shipping supplies. Photo courtesy of
According to, two companies recently joined forces to turn some of the 50 million coconuts that fall every year into reusable packaging and shipping supplies. Environmentally-friendly organization, Whole Tree has been researching uses for coconut husks for years and decided to partner with Compadre to test uses for coconut-based materials.
The fiber in coconut husks is naturally high in lignin, a material that is fire resistant, which is perfect for packaging and shipping supplies. Since the lignin also makes disposing of coconut shells difficult, turning them into packaging seemed like the perfect fit.
In addition to helping the environment and finding a better use for unwanted coconut husks, Whole Tree is also working to give coconut farmers a better life. Statistics show that most coconut farmers only live on about $500 a year and now that Whole Tree is offering to buy the unwanted husks that farmers usually throw away, it gives them a chance to make an extra income.
While Whole Tree is much further ahead on making packaging that goes inside boxes and serves as added protection (particularly for electronics), their recent partnership with Compadre is allowing them to make huge strides in the development of coconut husk outer packaging.

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